
Kennel Cough in Dogs: Common Yet Deadly - Good Dog People™

Kennel Cough in Dogs: Common Yet Deadly

Kennel cough is to dogs what the common cold is to human beings. 

And much like in humans, puppies and senior dogs are much more likely to catch kennel cough as their immune systems are not as strong. But what exactly is kennel cough? How do you prevent your dog from contracting this common but potentially deadly disease?

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Ear Infections in Dogs: Why it Happens and How to Avoid it - Good Dog People™

Ear Infections in Dogs: Why it Happens and How to Avoid it

Infections are never fun – especially not for our furry friends. It’s absolutely essential to know how to tell if your dogs’ ears are infected as dog ear yeast infection causes massive discomfort and could be a sign of something worse. 
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Muzzle Up: Are Muzzles Bad for Dogs? - Good Dog People™

Muzzle Up: Are Muzzles Bad for Dogs?

These basket-like objects that go over the snout of your dog prevents them from biting, but also from opening their mouths in general. Muzzles seem uncomfortable at best, but at worst, downright painful and even cruel as they can impact a dog’s breathing, eating, drinking and panting. What is a dog muzzle? Are muzzles good for dogs? In the first place, what is the purpose of muzzles?
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#AdoptDontShop: Tear-jerking Adoption Tales - Good Dog People™

#AdoptDontShop: Tear-jerking Adoption Tales

A few weeks back, weinvited the public to share their adoption stories with us. We received an overwhelming number of stories - all of which were very heartwarming and emotional. Thank you to all who submitted their stories, we applaud your persistence, and are very much inspired by the transformative power of love.
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