
Responsible Pet Ownership: 3 Tips for Managing Your Dog’s Expenses - Good Dog People™

Responsible Pet Ownership: 3 Tips for Managing Your Dog’s Expenses

Taking care of a pet is a lot of responsibility - but something that isn’t as often discussed is the financial responsibility involved in caring for a companion like a dog or cat. So how much does it cost to own a dog?
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Improving Your Dog’s Eating Habits: 3 Reasons to Stop Free-Feeding - Good Dog People™

Improving Your Dog’s Eating Habits: 3 Reasons to Stop Free-Feeding

For many pet owners, it’s difficult to juggle life, work and pet responsibilities. Long hours at work or outside taking care of other errands might mean feeding a dog at consistent times every single day is difficult. In most of these cases, pet owners often resort to free-feeding - leaving a bowl of food out at all times.
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Ageing Gracefully: 3 Ways to Help Your Pet Age Healthily - Good Dog People™

Ageing Gracefully: 3 Ways to Help Your Pet Age Healthily


Over the years, our furry friends are constantly changing and evolving alongside us - from puppies with boundless energy and curiosity to calmer and more loving senior dogs. It can be difficult to see our best friends ageing alongside us, but we can help them age gracefully and painlessly, so they can enjoy the best years of their lives with us.
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Shock Collars: Shockingly Harmful or Obviously Bad? - Good Dog People™

Shock Collars: Shockingly Harmful or Obviously Bad?


The unassuming electric dog collar has been contested for its cruel nature for a long time now. What supporters of this shock collar claim to be effective and useful for training unwanted behaviours actually have terrible adverse effects on dogs. It’s true, these collars do work - but at what cost?
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