Kibble in the Raw reimagines “kibble” the Primal way so you can nourish your dog’s Primal needs. Our Fish & Pork Recipe raw dog food is made with free-range pork and wild-caught fish and other thoughtfully selected, premium, and raw ingredients. It delivers optimized nutrition and digestibility in the same scoop-and-serve feeding experience as kibble.Benefits
Made with freeze dried meat
Steam-cooked sorghum grains
Air dried produce
Cold-pressed oil
Serve just like kibble.Kibble in the Raw provides the same scoop and serve experience.
Light doesn’t mean less.Kibble in the Raw is more nutrient dense than traditional kibble, so you get more out of every pound.
Fines are fine!You may notice some fines in your bag – don’t worry, your dog will love them!
*Not recognized as an essential nutrient in the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.
Contains a source of live (viable) naturally-occurring microorganisms.
Scoop into your pet's bowl and serve as a meal, following recommended feeding guidelines on packaging.
If you would like to boost your pet’s bowl with added nutrition, you can add a Primal Hydrator like Bone Broth or Goat Milk.
Use stainless steel, glass, or food-grade silicone bowls when feeding any product with raw ingredients. Other materials, such as plastic and porcelain, are porous and can trap germs over time.
The product's presentation, packaging, size and measurements are subject to change by the manufacturer without notice. While images and descriptions listed are only meant to be guidelines, the integrity of the product shall remain the same.