We can all agree that animal abuse has no place in our society. The local authorities have put in place Codes of Animal Welfare to foster better animal welfare in general. Even then, we can all play our part within our families and communities to prevent these needless acts of violence.
Raw dog food diets are controversial. But the popularity of the diet is rising. Supporters have observed many health benefits that come with feeding their pets a raw diet. But, what exactly is a “raw diet” and can your pet benefit from it? Let's take a closer look at the benefits and risks of the raw diet.
Most dog owners will agree that the best time to socialise a dog is when they are still a puppy. However, when you adopt a rescue, it is possible that your newly adopted pooch never got the opportunity to be properly socialised. Contrary to popular belief, you can socialise an adult dog, and here's how to do it.
Yes, dogs can forget their training if a cue is not repeated frequently. Sometimes, health issues or pain can lead to personality changes that cause a dog to disregard previously learned training. Find out what other situations your dog may forget his training, and what you can do to help him.