How do you choose the right probiotic supplement for your pet? In this article, we have outlined the benefits of various probiotic strains, CFUs, prebiotics, and postbiotics. These and many more items highlighted in the article, are important things that you should look for when choosing a dog probiotic supplement.
Congratulation on your new furry kid! Adding a new member to your family is exciting but can be stressful too if you are a first-time dog parent. We are here to help. Here are the dos and don'ts of puppy care. We hope these do’s and don’ts will help you prepare and start a long and happy relationship with your pup.
There is a plethora of fleas and tick preventatives to choose from; from off-the-shelf remedies to prescription-only drugs. To add to the confusion, there are also counterfeit preventatives being sold online. Let's clear up some of the confusion and always consider the safety of your pup when choosing a preventative.
Dogs will eat anything they come across, Teaching your dog not to scavenge can be a lifesaver but we are not always around to monitor our pets. As such, it is crucial that recognise the signs of poisoning and know what to do in an emergency. Our ability to act swiftly can be the difference between life and death.