
Brain Food For Dogs - Good Dog People™

Brain Food For Dogs

Just like humans, dogs too can benefit from specific nutrients that support their brain health and cognitive function. These brain foods can contribute to optimal brain function and promote a sharp, agile mind. Let's find out what these nutrients are, and how you can incorporate them into your pup's daily meals.
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Freeze-Dried Dog Food: Are They Any Good? - Good Dog People™

Freeze-Dried Dog Food: Are They Any Good?

Freeze-dried dog food is one of the fastest growing segments of the pet food market. With pet owners wanting the best for their fury kids, it is expected to grow to a USD 525.3 million by end of 2025. But, are freeze-dried dog foods truly as exceptional as they claim to be? Read on to find out more.
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Understanding Dog Polydipsia: Excessive Thirst and its Causes - Good Dog People™

Understanding Dog Polydipsia: Excessive Thirst and its Causes

Polydipsia or excessive thirst is not a disease itself but a symptom that often accompanies other ailments like dog diabetes, kidney, and liver disease. For our pup's well-being, let's understand the potential causes of polydipsia so that we can provide prompt veterinary care should the need arise.
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Acid Reflux In Dogs - Good Dog People™

Acid Reflux In Dogs

Like us, our pups can suffer from acid reflux too. The condition causes discomfort and potentially leading to oesophageal damage. Let's learn to recognise the signs and seek early veterinarian care for proper treatment. We'll also explore the potential causes, symptoms, and management options for acid reflux in dogs.
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