We know it can be hard to keep your dogs teeth sparkling white if they hate brushing. Since this is a fairly common issue with pup parents, the team at Good Dog People tried some “no brush” products from TropiClean for two weeks to see if we notice any difference in our pup's oral health. Read on for our results!

Why is dental health important?
It’s not just about cosmetics, dental health is important for dogs at all life stages! Poor dental health can lead to doggy bad breath, tooth loss, gum diseases, loss of appetite and even aggression if the dog is in pain. Plaque build up can lead to tartar, which needs to be professionally removed. For a great overview of the basics, check out this article “Your Guide to Doggy Dental Care”.
Brushing your dogs teeth is the best way to remove plaque, however it’s not the only solution. Some dogs can’t handle having their teeth brushed. Remember, a toothbrush doesn’t work if you don’t use it! Also consider that some dogs don’t have teeth, but oral care should not be neglected as your dogs can still get gum disease, bad breath or a number of other issues related to poor oral care.
Meet The Dream Team

For this test, we brought in two paw-lunteers. Tofu is a ten year old male Maltese and Kuma is a six year old female Golden Retriever. Both are rescues, so we don’t have all the dental history for these guys, but they are in great shape. Please don’t worry, no pups were harmed during the course of this trial with many cuddles and belly rubs given. Both Tofu & Kuma are ok with their mouth and teeth being touched and tolerate brushing.
The test was done over the course of 2 weeks, with the respective product being used once a day, following directions on the package. During this time we did no additional brushing or used any other dental care products. We also haven't edited any photos, aside from sizing, to show actual results of the products. The products were given to us for free to try by our supplier, however we have tried to be as impartial as possible in the results.

Tropiclean Fresh Breath - No Brushing Clean Teeth Gel for Dogs (Original)
The gel was very easy to use! To apply, just put a drop on each side of the mouth once a day. Tofu was the goodest boy during the process, although he didn't seem to like the taste. One of the flavoured gels like peanut butter might be more palatable to him. Tofu’s breath did improve noticeably with use. There were no significant changes to his teeth, although his teeth were not very stained to begin with. Overall it was very easy to apply and seemed to kill some bacteria causing bad breath.
TropiClean Fresh Breath - No Brushing Fresh Mint Foam for Dogs & Cats
Kuma tried the foam, and we have to say watching her do this every night brought a smile to our face. She seemed to really enjoy it, although she did get foam all over her face (and us) pretty often. The foam was a little sticky, so a wet towel to wipe fur and hands after was useful. To apply the foam, you pump 1-2 times directly into your dog’s mouth. Afterward, she had minty breath which seemed to last at least until bedtime (3-4 hours). Her breath was still pretty fresh for the next morning, although not minty anymore. It seemed like her teeth may have had some decrease in plaque, but it was not overtly noticeable over such a short time frame. Overall the foam freshened her breath, seemed to remove a little plaque, but can be a little messy if your dog loves to give you kisses during the process.

Final Thoughts
In general, we were quite happy with the results of these products. Although we didn’t see a lot of visible change over the two weeks, there was a noticeable improvement in doggy breath for both pups. Both were easy to use, although the gel application seemed to be a bit easier to use if you have a difficult time getting near your dog’s mouth. The different flavours seems like they would be a big bonus if your dog isn’t a fan of mint.
If your dog doesn't let you use a toothbrush to scrub their teeth, a no brush solution like these may be the way forward! Another thing to consider is that senior dogs, or those without teeth could use these products to help combat the bacteria that contributes to bad breath.

Try for yourself for free!
Wanna try it for yourself? Our friends at Silversky Pets have graciously provided us with samples of the TropiClean Fresh Breath Trial Kit, so you can do your own 2 week trial!
CLICK HERE to add to your order!
In these kits you get:
- 1x trial size (18 ml) of the gel (as tested by Tofu)
- 1x trial size (118 ml) of the water additive (we did not try for this article)
These are free to add to any order, but supplies are very limited and first come, first served. Limit only one kit per customer. But don’t worry, if you miss out you can add the
TropiClean Dental Cleaning Set For Dogs on sale for 30% off until 3 April!
Lynnette Provost
Lynnette is a lover of all animals (looking at you red pandas) and a fur mom to Amaya the Singapore Special and Kuma the Golden Retriever. In her free time she enjoys reading and scuba diving and has a passion for cooking and baking unhealthy treats for her husband.