As fellow dog lovers, it’s difficult not to run up to any pup we see on the streets to shower them with love and cuddles, just like we would with our own dogs. Plus, if our own dog’s with us, it’s almost impossible to resist wanting to help your pup find a new playmate. Here are 5 key dos and don’ts to follow to make sure any pup you meet for the first time feels safe and comfortable!
Many pet parents might find the idea of training or retraining an adult dog daunting and impossible - so the question is can you train an adult dog? Here are some dog training tools to help answer the question
Our beloved furry friends come in all shapes and sizes, and with their own unique challenges to boot.Visually impaired dogs do, however, require a little extra tender loving care, so here are 4 tips for taking care of visually impaired dogs or dogs that are becoming visually impaired.
We would like to be the first few to congratulate you on officially becoming a pet parent. Being a pet parent may not be easy, especially with all the responsibility and commitment that comes with it but we are glad to be a helping hand. Here are some dog training tips to help you get started on this amazing journey.