Well groomed nails are key to having a happy and healthy pup! In this article, let’s explore the benefits of well-groomed nails and explain how to trim dog nails safely and comfortably.
Potty training your dog is step numero uno when it comes to bringing a puppy into your life. A housetrained dog can save you tons of pain and trouble, and keep your house spick and span. So how exactly do you potty train a pup? What do you need for potty training?
Let’s take a look at 5 super tips for house training your dog!
Although it’s often overlooked, canine dental care can be extremely vital to your dog’s overall health and wellbeing. Taking care of your pup’s teeth is the first step to preventing many dangerous diseases like canine periodontal disease. Check out our tips for great dental health!
Crate training might seem cruel but used correctly, it can be an extremely useful training tool. In fact, crates can provide a safe space for dogs that need a little downtime. It’s also great for house training and allows you to more easily bring your pet out for vet visits or travels!