Do you know what vitamins your dog needs to keep them healthy and happy? Join our Pet Wellness Advisor Katherine as she goes over nutrition basics for your pup and how to incorporate these nutrients into your dog's diet!
Do you know what to do if you find someone's missing pup?It's only natural that you want to help them back to their family! Let's explore best practices with a found pup to bring about that sweet reunion.
A lot of people got a dog in the pandemic. Most cited companionship and emotional support as their top reason for owning a dog. Scientific studies have shown that the benefits of owning a dog encompass both physical and mental health. Our dogs give us a sense of purpose, and make us healthier and happier people.
Dog shedding is a natural process as dogs shed older hair to make room for new coats. Ever wonder where your Poodle or Golden Retriever falls on the shedding scale? Find out the highest to the lowest shedding breeds, and tips to stop heaps of hair from piling up in your home!