It’s that time of the year again; the festive bells are ringing, the streets are donned with shining decorations, and there is a contagious joyous spirit in the air. It’s the season of giving - why not take this opportunity (not that you need an excuse to!) to pamper your dog by being his/her secret Santa? We’ve curated a list of unique dog gifts to help those who are struggling to find the perfect gift.
Outdoor gear

Think of this gift as a promise to your dog to go on more adventures together. It could be something as simple as a newharness or leash. For the outdoor enthusiasts, you could go for something bigger like a floatation device fromEzyDog. Your dog associates these items with going out, and so receiving new ones will definitely send him over the moon!
New attire

This is for all the fashion-forward doggos out there - get them a new outfit in time for the holiday gatherings to show them off. Have a private fashion show and walk down the runway together in matching pieces. Check outOhpopdog if you’re looking for classic basic pieces. For the more subtle, put on abandana for an effortless and chic look.

Toys will be probably be the second item on your dog’s christmas wishlist, just after food! Grant both wishes by letting themindulge in somefries andpizza by Lullebelles! Looking for something more interactive? You might want to turn toKONG for some options.
Special treat

If you have the time and are willing to spend it to do something special for your pup, you could try your hand at making a festive treat.Puppy Cake has cheesecake pre-mixes available for an easy and yummy treat for your dog to enjoy. Not your thing? You could always order them and claim the credit - we won’t tell!The Barkery makes some real delicious cookies that are bound to leave your dog drunk on happiness!
Make a donation

Put smiles onto more (dog) faces by making a donation or volunteering your time. Any bit of help will go a long way for the animal shelters in Singapore - donate some love to the shelter dogs this festive season.
AWGs in Singapore (non-exhaustive list):
The gift of time

At the end of the day, no other gift can beat spending some quality time with your dog. I’m positive that it’ll make your dog’s day if you could dedicate some time to shower him with love and affection.
Kim is an avid dog lover, serial guac and chips eater, and thrill seeker - all in one body. Currently chillin’ with her dogs.